We are in the thick of RootsTech and are frankly amazed at the encouraging support we have received from family historians here who are excited about our indexing product. Although we learned we will not be moving forward to the finals, we are amazed at the progress we’ve made in just four months! Let’s recap:

October, 2015

  • Kimball Clark and Cathy Gilmore decide to form Kindex LLC and begin to sell the software and hosting to family organizations

November 2015

  • Kindex uses bootstrap funds to begin software development
  • We meet with FamilySearch for the first time to discuss the FamilySearch API. We are encouraged to enter the RootsTech Innovator Showdown
  • Using props, clothing, furniture, and voice work from our own family members, we write a script and submit a video

December 2015

  • Software development begins in earnest, amidst continual and improving iterations.
  • Business models are explored and refined.
  • Business plan and proforma drafted.
  • Social media and content marketing begins.
  • Meet again with FamilySearch to discuss API

January 2016

  • We learn we are semifinalists in the Innovator Showdown.
  • Kimball and Cathy spin the plates of marketing literature, wireframing, front end html and CSS, back-end project managing, preparing two booths for RootsTech, preparing the Innovator Showdown presentation, indexing our use case, writing social media content, selling our product to raise funds, looking for investors and backers, refining business models and pricing, and meeting with FamilySearch during API development.

Wednesday, February 3rd.

  • The morning of the Innovator Showdown, Kindex becomes Family Search Certified
  • Kindex competes in the RootsTech Innovator Showdown
  • Kindex released Kindex Beta™, an MVP product with limited features

We are so thankful for the encouragement of our FamilySearch associates, especially Gordon Clarke, who enabled our certification. And, to the RootsTech Innovator Summit team who provide this great opportunity for startups like us. Without the ever-present deadline of February 3rd, 2016, we would not be where we are today.

To our supporters, Beta testers, and future users: thank you for catching our vision. Kindex Beta will introduce new features in the coming days and weeks, and we encourage your patience as we roll it out.

To the RootsTech Innovator Showdown team and GrowUtah: thank for providing us a springboard into something great.

And finally, a big thank you to our spouses and children, for their constant support and patience in our efforts to help other families find what is lost.


(l-r) Vladimir Canro (one of developers), Colleen Fitzpatrick (consultant), Cathy Gilmore, Kimball Clark.

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